House Rules!

In Shirley’s lesson we continued to complete our house rules that are going to be going around our studio! I am the creative director of this project and I will be doing any of the final changes on everyones work if need. Getting inspiration from the book ‘Change Your Mind: 57 Ways to Unlock Your Creative Self’ by Rod Judkins gave me a new idea for the layout and how it’ll will all look like, instead of the first idea of the black board with chalk, I decided to have colourful pieces and different type to make up the quotes. This is like the work done by Anthony Burrill

20140510-032954 pm.jpg

So Shirley and I wrote some ‘House Rules: Rules…’ and placed it on the board so everyone could see, even though I think a few didn’t even look at the board….
Once everyone had finished their quote I asked them to print them off in the 6 colours I choose and I put the one I like on one board and the other on a different, then me and Shirley wrote some changes that need to be added on the work. Next week I’ll ask my peers to make the changes and once they have I’ll make some finalization on them and choose the colours they will be in, I don’t want one colour to be used more than twice, so I might have to adjust some of the colours so they look better with the quotes.


This is my terminology of type showing San Serif, Serif, Leading and kerning, and what they are and how I’ve used it on my House Rules.

Creative Thinking…

In todays lesson, Shirley  gave us 8 task that each had to be completed in 10 minutes. There was various different task were you had to think laterally, convergently or divergently.


  1. The first task I did, I got given 3 different pieces of paper each with random lines and marks to be completed however you want.
  2. The Remote Associates Test is where you have 8 pieces of paper each with 3 words that have a fourth word to connect them all.
  3. We were given 2 images with objects and then 2 objects we could handle, and we had to think of what that object could be used for. The more unique the better.
  4. For the 4th & 5th task we had to download podcast and listen to Inside Creativity – The Alternative Uses Test
  5. Inside Creativity – The Remote Associates Test
  6. Was to riddles one I got which was ‘Reading between the line’ and the other I never. Also I had to make ‘Creativity’ using paper clips, I asked Shirley whether we had to think literally or laterally which she said that it was my choice! So I thought laterally and creatively made an image using the paper clips.
  7. Was to research Joy Paul Guilford who was the man who created the process of Convergent and Divergent Thinking.
  8. Lastly I got to create an image using a comb and black paint, which I decided to create a tree… yay



Typography task

On Thursday we were given the task to make 8 typography pieces using one quote with one typeface out of the options given. Once we had designed the type we found of the designer who said it or was related to them. They were;

  1. ‘Psychedelic’ – Wes Wilson
  2. ‘You have to misbehave to make a breakthrough’ –  Paula Scher
  3. ‘Graphic design will save the World right after rock and roll does’ – David Carson
  4. ‘Work? It’s just serious play’ – Saul Bass
  5. ‘I shop therefore I am’ – Barbara Kruger
  6. ‘Digital design is like painting except the paint never dries’ – Neville Brody
  7. ‘Design is so simple, that’s why it’s so complicated’ – Paul Rand
  8. ‘Think of your own ideas’ – Anthony Burrill


Here is my presentation for the artist We Wilson I did it on Prezi and recorded it so that I could post it on my blog, it has some information on him and his style of work and it also has my own design done in the style of Wilson. Searched google to find out more about Wes and I found a website with his work on (wes-wilson) and had a look through the artwork that he has done and also I found ‘A Brief Biography, by Michael Erlewine’ were I got most of my information from for this presentation and also were I got the imagery from. Then I drew my own image and scanned it into Adobe Illustrator, then went around the lines using the pen tool and had colours that matched to his work. I also so mage it into a gif in Adobe Photoshop using the time line, but I couldn’t upload it to Prezi so I put it into Adobe Premiere Pro and made it into a mini video then uploaded it to

One I had finished the presentation I open up QuickTime and screen recorded my work so that it could be up load to Vimeo. I presented this to my peers onto the smart boards so it was bigger and easier to display to them, I explained through the video a few details of his work and my own.  I got some feed back from a few peers (2 people) but not all. They both said they like the style of presenting and the tidiness of the presentation, and they liked my own illustration in Wes Wilson style. One also said about Wes Wilson that he hand writing typography is difficult to read which I also found when I started researching and looking at the work but now once doing my own type like his I find it much easier to understand. Altogether I really love his style and would like to do more work in is style, as I think it fits with the style of work that I like to do.

After looking at others presenting their artist I found that I really liked work by some of the other artist like Saul Bass and David Carson, I would like to look fairer into their work and get inspiration from them to do in other pieces of work that I will do in the future.

My Adverts – 2 Become 1

Here are of my adverts that I made for the three words ‘Tension’, ‘Thought-Provoking’ and ‘Wordplay’.

Making my ‘When To Become One’ presentation

Making my ‘When To Become One’ I decided to do it in Adobe Photoshop because it was easier for me. I did this by using the ‘Timeline’ and used a frame for each image or text giving me 20 frames.

Screen Shot 2014-01-27 at 17.54.57

I then placed all my work in the order I thought was the best way. Starting with introducing ‘Pecha Kuch’ – Then I explained ‘When to Become One’ – The nine words – Four examples – Tension definition – Image of Swan – Final piece for Tension (the did the same layout for the next 3 words – 3 slides for each word) And then I ended with how I could use it in the future – How I felt on a whole with the project.

Here is the video without the audio on it just so you can see the layout of the presentation, I will upload the video with the audio and description of my presentation later or tomorrow.

Adverts to Match

Advert Research


WORDPLAY – Turn has be turned upside down.

Thought-Provoking Though-Provoking

THOUGHT-PROVOKING- The effects of alcohol, shows the future | The future outcome if not changed?

Tension2 Tension

TENSION – Tension in a scary way, scared & tense of what will happen next.


PROFOUND- Image blends into the scenery of whats happening else where.


ORIENTATION- ‘Direction’ using a compass inside of the tire – go places.


HUMOROUS- Funny dog food advert of fat dog getting stuck and cat messing with him.

Contrast1 Contrast

CONTRAST- ‘Red means go’ were as red normally means stop | the black and white contrast in the advert.

Compare1 Compare

COMPARE- Coca cola advert showing the Grandads past and the Grandsons now, Comparing the difference of coke. The only differences being the cola bottle.


SEQUENCE- John Lewis shows the sequence of life, showing the girl growing up.



Advert busstop

ADVERTitunes ad Advert busstop

itunes ad



Shirley Brown | Creative Thinking

PechaKucha was founded by Astrid Klien and Mark Dytham. PechaKucha  20×20, is a simple presentation format where you show 20 images, each for 20 seconds resulting in the presentation lasting 6minutes and 40 seconds in total. The images advance automatically after 20 seconds therefore the presenter can talk alongside the images, therefore timing is key. This allows the presntation to be concise, taking away all the unecessary information that is not needed.
This will be a test to see if the FD learners can create a series of images, with meaning behind, and present them to their peers and tutors using this format. This will highlight creative thinking, time management and communication skills.

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When To Become One

When to become one‘ was the new project that we started with Shirley before Christmas were we were given a number of different words which we had to define and explore a way to display two images side by side to make visual communication, thinking laterally on the selected word and put all this into our own presentation with 20 seconds to explain each slide. After we were shown the presentation and it was explained to us what we would be doing I thought it was very interesting and was going to be pretty easy… Until the research started and I hit a brick wall. So I turned a corner and in stead started with finding the definitions of the words, to help understand what is needed in the two images. The words were;

‘Humorous’      ‘Wordplay’      ‘Contrast’      ‘Compare’      ‘Tension’      ‘Profound’      ‘Thought Provoking’    

 ‘Explore Orientation’      ‘Explore Sequence’

So I went on to define each of the words to get a better understanding. I think it really did help me to get grip of the words and the different ways it can be used, so I can put more thought into the two images in stead of throwing something together with a simple explanation.

Our first lesson back Shirley gave us a few hours to make an example of the visual communication and  we would discuss it at the end, I chose the word ‘Humorous’ for the trial piece as I had something in mind and may use it as one of my final pieces. Once we discussed each others work I realised that some of the images can have more than one word connected to it, like ‘Contrast’ and ‘Compare’ which kept coming up as it was very similar, so if I was to use these words I would try make it so that it wouldn’t get mixed up and was understood as the one word, so I will have to think more on that part.

At the moment I have a few ideas in my head on different words and what I can create, but I still have some research that needs to be done.